Monday, December 10, 2007

when will i ever learn.....?

Why is it when you're in the process of - not just slightly sticking your foot in your mouth but SHOVING it in all the way up to your belly button - nobody stops you??!!!

Catherine is on the MJC swim team so you will find me pool side 4 days a week - well not really but theoretically. If it's been a terribly busy day and we don't have the energy - I will choose to not go claiming a mental health day. I probably should have done that today!!!

All the mom's sit at the end of the pool and what else would you expect - we TALK!!!!!!!! Today one of the mom's mentioned her oldest son is in the Army and is currently serving in Iraq. She asked about Evan's time in Iraq and without thinking I shared some of what he experienced.... painful PAINFUL things. I told about the guy who harassed Evan to the point I really thought he might kill the guy. I told about him losing half his unit in one day - drowning in the desert!!! I told about him having to pay for his uniforms, his kevlar, his gear - PAYING to protect our country!!! And more.

After going on for at least 15 minutes I stopped long enough to find out I was gnawing on my knee.... I asked "How long has your son been in Iraq?"

2 weeks.

TWO WEEKS!!!!!!!!!!


I have her email address now. I'm the first member of her new prayer list. Her son is Army Infantry - pray for his safety - physically, emotionally and spiritually.

Pray for me. I wonder if I'll ever learn to not talk so much.