Thursday, January 10, 2008

Best Bumper Sticker award

OK - I'm blonde. REALLY. I was blonde as a kid, blonde in High School then started having kids and what began to grow from my head resembled the color you might find on a dead rat. Just too gross to continue living with so I have my hairstylist/friend keep my hair its natural color - natural as in BK - Before Kids.

But when it grew in blonde all by itself there were lots of red highlights that God put there - not me. We used to call it strawberry blonde - I always hated that. Not sure why - just did.

Then when I began picturing what I wanted my daughter to look like I always pictured reddish gold hair - my mom called it spun gold. I just think red hair is beautiful. (Interestingly so do our sons - they love the redheads!!)

Well I saw this bumpersticker that was sooooo good - just have to share!

I slow down for brunettes
I brake for blondes
But I'll back up for a redhead!!

To those who have red hair - hold your head high!! You're beautiful!


Rick said...

I once saw a pick-up with about 30 bumper stickers covering the rear window and tailgate. The license plate was "H8N S8N"!

I've "tagged" your blog randomly to play "Name 7 Celebrities You Have Met" or "Name 7 Weird Things About Yourself." It's just a goofy game and if things like this irritate you, please ignore me! Personally, I would have done that myself, but I was "tagged" by a friend and thought the topic would be fun.

Unknown said...

Here I sit, son #2 in the middle of iraq, and guess what is on my background? No other than a beautiful redheaded girl. :-)

I want that bumpersticker, mom!!!