Saturday, August 20, 2011

Master over human nature

Basileus Basileon - King of Kings. Powerful - master of all - including mastery over disease, death and nature - including human nature.
My human nature can be fault finding. It becomes a past time to enjoy and concentrating on the warts of others can be a great way to feel better about myself.... it allows me to avoid fixing the faults in my own life and consequently stunts my spiritual growth and obstructs God's work in me and through me.
"I don't do it often" or "I'm not always like that" I say to make myself feel better. Or "It's human nature - I can't help it." Still another justification for sin.
Romans 14:13 Let us not judge one another anymore, but rather resolve this, not to put a stumbling block or a cause to fall in our brother's way.
2 Corinthians 6:3-10
God's effectiveness in and through my life is enhanced or hindered by the way I live.
So I dwell on that.... I truly want to be effective for GOD - that where ever I am, no matter how uncomfortable it is, I can look for the purpose and know that it is God who puts me where He wants me in order to be effective for HIM. My discomfort (or comfort) is secondary to God's will. OK - so maybe I don't like where I am... or a situation that has developed. What is God's purpose in this and am I being catty thus hindering God's effectiveness? REALLY?
I believe God is not limited by me. His purpose WILL be accomplished. For some reason - He has chosen ME to work through in every situation I'm in. It makes no sense to me today. I don't like the situation I'm in right now but I'm at peace - TOTAL peace - because I know He is working. So I wait - patiently - and try to keep my mouth shut so I don't interfere with God's plan. I choose today to enhance God's effectiveness.
We suffer the consequences or reap the benefits of our choices. I like benefits. :-)
Father - I so rejoice at the thought that You love me. I melt into tears at the thought of You protecting me. I am safe in You. And I'm sorry I get in the way so often. I love you so much and I'm so so thankful to be your daughter. Help me today to keep my mouth shut and to speak only Your love to those I interact with. My heart is full and I want to leap and jump for joy.... I wish my body would allow me to run and jump and do cartwheels through fields of soft grass to celebrate the joy in my heart at what You are doing in my life. I am so blessed I can't contain my joy!!! YOU are so awesome and so good to me. I do not deserve this kind of love.
Let's go get 'em Lord. There are souls out there who need You and hurting people who need Your touch. Use me where You can.
Let the hearts of those rejoice who seek the Lord!! (Ps 105:3)