Thursday, December 20, 2007

around the dinner table

I grew up.... um no - start over - still haven't grown up....

I was raised primarily by my single mom. There were a few years in there where I lived with my Aunt and Uncle - though not consecutively. Mostly I lived there in 4th grade and then portions of the Summer every year through High School. Except for the time I spent with my Aunt and Uncle, I lived in poverty and dysfunction. Dinner around the table didn't exist in my life with my mom. Not because she didn't want to - she just didn't have the energy or know how. She grew up in poverty and dsyfunction so that's all she knew. Subsequently I never learned much about the importance of the evening meal around the table.

Then I married a man who came from a family that ALWAYS had dinner at the table. In fact, I'd be willing to bet they had breakfast together too - something I don't think I've ever had in my entire life except for the time I spent the night with Kim and her mom fixed us all oatmeal before school the next day. And she complained about it!!! I thought it was incredible!!

Over the years I've vascilated in my consistency to make dinner. Once the boys moved out it just became too easy to let everyone (all 3 of us) get whatever sounded good and not have a formal meal. Darling Daughter rarely likes what we have for dinner anyway. Dear Husband doesn't eat vegetables and doesn't like soups or salads. So what's the point? Why bother to keep trying to fix meals when I'm the only one who really likes them anyway?

Ahhhhh indeed - if I could, I would only eat vegitarian meals with some chicken or ham thrown in every now and then. I would have LOTS of soups, salad every night, the occaisional casserole and would probably experiment with various recipes. But then - I'm dreaming.

But what about the family meal around the table? I'm realizing it really has very little to do with what we're eating. The boys have been home since late Tuesday night. They want home cooked meals - guess the Corps doesn't provide those. So I've cooked and nobody complained!!! Instead I've listened to conversations between my family, lots of laughter and the building of relationships that every mom dreams of. I've heard how important this time is but I guess I never really appreciated it like I do now. With us being in seperate parts of the world over the past couple years it's really made us grateful for the time we DO have together - especially dinner.

I strongly suggest it if you've never made it a priority. I know dinner just changed in our home... I hope I never worry about the food again and simply enjoy the bonding that takes place in spite of what we're eating (or like those who fight for their lives together become closer - maybe BECAUSE of what we're eating!!)

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